The reason I am in the art world is: the awesome and sometimes absurd ways of thinking, great art gives me.
Despina Artist Residency 2019
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October-November 2019
With support from: Statens Kunstfond. See more here:
My presentation speech at Despina, November 28: Curating and writing about art
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October-November 2019
With support from: Statens Kunstfond. See more here:
My presentation speech at Despina, November 28: Curating and writing about art
Til Vægs 2017-
I curate some shows for Til Vægs. Annika Ströms exhibition Nothing - Ingenting, and the group exhibitions: The World's Latest Exhibition. See more here
Nationalencyklopedin 2009-
I have worked as a contract writer for Nationalencyklopedin since 2009 (The National Encyclopedia of Sweden, equivalent to Britannica), where I have written biographies mainly about contemporary international artists and specific articles about art history in Brazil and Portugal from 1950 to present time.
Freelance Writer 2005-
I have written texts on art since 2005. A large part of the art works and artists I've chosen to write about share an attitude or resistance towards a rational reality interpretation and plays with different ways of re-discovering the world. I always do extensive research on every review or artist I choose to write about, to convey the premisses of the work rather than judging it and I emphasize on keeping the texts open for the reader's own thoughts and evaluation of the work.
These texts have ranged from reviews of small local art projects to global art events as Documenta, the biennials in Istanbul and São Paulo. I have made interviews whit e.g: Jeremy Deller, Superflex, the Fluxus artist Eric Andersen, Swedish artist Annika Ström, the Brazilian sound-art-group O Grivo and Jürgen Bock, the director of the shy alternative art-school Maumaus in Lisbon. I have written reportage articles about the huge art-collection Inhotim outside Belo Horizonte in Brazil and written about the relation between Malmö and Copenhagen art scene, and the odd curatorial project Overland: London to Beijing.
Skånes Konstförening 2009-2013
(Skåne Art Association) Malmö, Sweden.
From 2009 I've been Board Member of the association. I have curated both solo and group exhibitions, arranged artist talks and performances along administrative work, exhibition-guide, technician and other possible tasks.
My main contribution to the association has been giving the program a more international profile due to my network abroad. From 2010 to 2013 I was also the Secretary for Skanes Konstförening.
[ordlekar] Research Project 2006-2007
[ordlekar]. Interdisciplinary project initiated by the Interactive Institute in Växjö in co-operation with The University of Växjö, Sweden. I was invited to represent the art theory discipline, because my master thesis was based on similar social art projects.
Text: Collaboratively telling everyday life – whispering, walking, touching, stitching and writing. 2007
Dialogue based text, written together with Åsa Ståhl and Kristina Lindström for [ordlekar].
collaboratively_telling_everyday_life....pdf |